Well I 'did' ballet when I was little, now I've never been too little (in height) and I've never been too good at ballet neither, BUT I dreamt of being a ballerina when I was younger.
My two kids have both danced too.
The other week we got the chance to see the Imperial Russian Ballet practise for Swan Lake. It was amazing to say the least. But the show was booked up so at least we got a glimpse. Anyway they came back to Hamilton at the end of their tour and we were lucky enough to get two tickets (kia ora Lee).
So Lou and I headed to Hamilton and met some friends who were going too.
In all the time of my love of the ballet I have never been to a ballet performance (professional not dance school style) and Swan Lake well.....
The show was superb and I had to blink away a few tears (I know I know I cry at the drop of a hat!). Afterwards the girls went to the stagedoor and got some autographs and piccies with the dancers.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself at the things I do in this country.

One of the swans - this girl stood out at the rehearsals and the show. The girls liked her.

The two principal dancers
Anastasia Homitskaya - played Odette/Odile

Nariman Bekhanov - played Siegfried