Well it's been a roller coaster of a week. Firstly we went to Ngaruawahia centre for a sports day with the 3 centres. I got dragged in to play catch the flag (or ball in this case), I ended up running to free one of our teamies. Now I haven't run for years!! As I was running back to my base, I could hear girls (the other centres don't have girls) screaming "Go Jan"!!
Then we had a game of tug of war - staff verses trainees. The first try we lost, then second well...... the terrors waited till we were really pulling and then let go! So the lot of us ended up on our besides! I believe a piccy was taken I need that piccy to scrap. The last round well I know I was determine to win, we won. Good day, the trainees and us had a good day. The next day my arms were so sore and I was telling the trainees and one one of them piped up "if your arms are sore because of tug of war - what about your butt".
"No that's not sore, there's plenty of padding on that!"
Also this week we were to find out if we kept our jobs. TEC (who fund us) announced cuts because of our 'lovely' new government. We didn't have a good year last year so we knew our centre would be hit. We knew one course at least would be going maybe the two of them (with the workbase training left). So when the area manager arrange appointments to see me and my colleague later in the day, we knew and what a horrid day it was, bearing in mind that you can't let on to the trainees. Anyway I am safe but my colleague wasn't, so very bittersweet I can tell you.
So with that behind me and the long weekend I want to go somewhere (camping was out as the weather wasn't upto scratch). Key had arranged to go to a 'sci fi' thing with a friend in Auckland, so his mum asked us to go the beach with her. Her daughter has become a friend of Lou.
So Saturday we went to Raglan beach.

Now I have been told that Raglan is one of the world's best surf beach. Because it has a left hand break (whatever that means). We normally body board there - good fun. But it was too cold for me and Stevie, but Lou and her friend did.

The sand is black sand on Raglan beach as it's on the west coast (it's the Tasman Sea, not the Ocean) and the black isn't oil (unlike West Kirkby were we used to go in UK) but volcanic sand and it can get very hot because of it. We walked along the beach (I picked up shells), which is a really long walk and me and Stevie haven't done it before. It was quite windy but good. We had 'fush and chups' (as the kiwis say) for tea at the estuary and the girls climbed the pohutukawa trees (these are known as kiwi Christmas trees as they blossom red flowers at Christmas time, so they weren't in bloom today). Then dropped Lou at their house for a sleep over. A quick catch up with Key, who had a good day, then back house just me and Stevie.
Another good day.

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