Monday was Labour day - what would be a bank holiday in the UK, in other words a day off YAY!!
Stevie was messing around with the radio (ham type) and once again to get the family moving and out of here meant words had to be said!! (MOAN ALERT - It peeves me putting it politely, that the kids I work with go nowhere and yet my own moan because we take them out, moan over and out).
So we went to Rotorua, roto-a-vegas or land of the smelly eggs as we love to call it. It's about an hour away, so down the road really ;-)We went the blue lakes to have a picnic lunch and took Paddy with us. Normally when we go it's quiet but everyone must have had the same idea.
The lake is always cold even on a hot day and today was no exception. But the kids went in for a paddle (I did get my feet wet guys) but poor Paddy was taken in for a swim, he was so funny doing the doggy paddle before he was even in the water. There was a group of people near by laughing and doing the actions of him!!
We had a quick look at Lake Tarawera, which was the site of a huge volcanic explosion in the 1886 which killed over a hundred people, buried lots of the area including the famous pink and white terraces, which were said to be the eighth wonder of the world! The mount still looks menacing, although sleeping.
Talking of explosion, as we were trying to take photos for here, Key would start poking Lou behind my back and Lou poking him back and then it would build. Stevie would be saying "smile you guys, come on why aren't you smiling!!" WHY!!! I wonder.
The end of the evening was a sit on the deck with the fire on (it is spring you know!) and a dip in the spa pool. Ready for work erm?!?!?
Look at the bank holiday traffic!!!

The blue Lake (wonder why it gets it's name!) honest it is busy! normally much quieter then that but it is a holiday.

Lake Tarawera - the peaks in the distance are the volcano (Mount Tarawera)


....for a swim

Some piccies that didn't quite turn out. But I love them better

See I told you about the Dr Evil piccies - another one!

Yeah that's more like it.

Waka (war canoe pronounced wok-a) buried as a tribute to the villages that got buried.

Hee hee!! Gotto love that dog.

Evening time

(the opening piccy is a Koru which represents new life or the family, which I thought was appropriate with the extended family I have here and in the UK)