Since we left the shore of Blighty and started the new chapter of our lives in Aotearoa. If folks don't know we had never even visit here before we 'jumped in the deep end' by selling up, packing our stuff, hopping on a jumbo and breaking some hearts along the way.
When we landed we stayed with some kind (understatement if ever there was) friends while the house selling in the UK still went through (I would not live that last week for a winning lotto ticket - honest). I got a job here and that's why we set up in this particular part of the country.
It certainly hasn't been 'plain sailing' we have had ups and downs, but the kids have a great life living in the countyside (we came from a overpopulated city), the house we live in is bigger and better then we had in the UK (although paying a mortgage cripples you what ever part of the world you live in LOL), the climate is certainly better, the place is beautiful, we feel safer and we live and do things we could only dream of doing (or only on a 2 week holiday). Some times I have to pinch myself that we live here.
There are still things we miss about the UK (galaxy choc for starters!!) and of course there are lots of people we do still miss terribly, but thank goodness for technology, the web and a web cam.
Will we live here forever? Who knows! And by that I mean if someone had told me 15 years ago I would live here I've of betted a million pound that I wouldn't of - Me never!! so on that who knows what the future will bring. But we call this place home and I am more then happy that we CHOSE to live here.

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