When you turn 15 in New Zealand you are able to learn to drive!!!! In the UK it is 17.
Here you sit your learners which is a test then you can drive for at least 6 months with a driver supervisor, then you can sit your restricted, which is a driving test which means you are able to drive, within a set time of the day, on your own (no passengers except drivers). Till you are able to go for your full licence 18 months later (or 12 months if you do an advanced driving course).
So today Key turned 15, he has been waiting for this birthday before we even got to NZ. After school we met him off the school bus and took him into the office. The lady there knows me because I am always in there with my trainees.
Key sat the test, which is now on the computer. I watched, as I always do, to see the green ticks appear on the screen. Key made a few mistakes (you fail on the 4th) and got down to the last two answers. He had got two wrong up to then. Then a red cross on one of the picture questions, then the last question. This was it - get it right you pass - get it wrong you fail. I could see him going between 2 questions. He clicked on one of the options then changed his mind and clicked on the other and went for it. A red cross appeared. He was so upset.
So I paid for him to resit there and then.
He got two wrong and then the green ticks continued and we saw a pass appear on the screen.
We then had to take him out for a quick driving lesson. We went to a quiet country land and let him take the wheel. We have a automatic so at least he wasn't trying to use gears too (that will come when we can buy a manual). I sat in the front seat and we went down the long road (we did meet 2 cars) and he did well.
So all good but next stop the main roads - GULP!!!
Sitting in the booth doing the test

YAY!! Passed on the screen

Putting his L Plates up.

I am not scared - honest

In the hot seat

Actual driving on the road!!

Look at this lovely birthday cake that his sister made him. I know it's pink but we'll call it an Everton cake as they are playing in pink this season. She is really special making this for him.

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