Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Today!!

Well it's Paddy 2nd birthday!!

We love this little guy!.

It's the start of field days today. It's a expo (biggest in this part of the world) mostly about farming but tons (or should I say as my kiwi friends say "heaps") of other things there.
My trainees have been asked by the Sallies to give out the tea and coffee at the caravan, as a work experience in customer service.
So we started there today. The kids are really good (the ones that showed anyway), quite a few people were asking who we were and to what to the Sallies. This guys was talking to us and we were telling him about what I and the kids do. He was asking me to they give me a run for my money and I said that they weren't a bad lot (which is true) and he asked them was a like a mum to them. Without thinking they all, bar one, said "yis" and smiled. I was touched, the other girl who was thinking, said "No" "she more like my nanna!!". That my trainees for you they say what they see.
(if all fairness, being serious, a lot of Maori kids are brought up by their nanna (or someone they see as a nanna) so it still was a compliement! SEE!!).

Right it's LOST night, so I am off to cuddle up on the couch with the kids and watch our fav programme.
Ka kite!!

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